So, I've slacked. Big time. My apologies!
Today I conquered my performance anxiety by a little more! My piano teacher had me play in front of my Music Theory class which is about 30 people. Oh, and the catch? I didn't know when I during class I was going to play. She kept it a secret. She's a sneaky one, she is. So I had to sit through class not knowing when she was going to look at me and say, "Sadie, go play. Now." (If you knew my piano teacher you would know that the tone or inflection of that command is not mean in any way whatesoever.) The whole class period my heart was pounding and I was short of breathe, but you know what? When she looked at me with 5 minutes left in the class time and said, "Sadie, go play. Now." I did it. And I played my Chopin Prelude in b minor the best I had ever played it. That made me realize that I can do this. I can play my Chopin Prelude in front of 100 people at Convocation. (Oh, and my mom is coming down for it, which I'm totally stoked for!)
My piano teacher gave me an assignment to find someone different to play for every day until I perform at Convocation on April 17th at 11:00am in Cralle Theater. Do I cry or puke when I think of that? No. Not anymore. All my piano major friends pull me into practice rooms randomly and tell me to play for them. It's so good to know that they all care so much about my success! That, and they've been where I am so they understand what it's like and they appreciated what their upperclassmen friends did for them. I have a particular piano major friend, Louie, who makes me incredibly nervous. Thanks to our piano teacher he is now aware that of everyone on Bellarmine's campus he is the person who makes me the most nervous. So he now makes me play for him whenever I see him, which I am incredibly grateful for! I love Louie. If you knew him, you would love him too. I promise you that. It's a 100% guarantee.
Today I'm just appreciating the simple things in life and I am content where I am in life. I know that I'll improve at whatever I'm doing, whatever I'm working on or being an adult...I know that will come with time. So, instead of always wanting more than I have and always being discontent with my progress (especially with things that take time to develop) and with my life I will just appreciate what I do have, what I can do and be joyful at how much I've progressed.
I hope your day was as eye opening as mine was!
Love you guys.
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