Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Young, Wild and Free.

So, tonight around 9:30ish a friend of mine and my roommate and I went "adventuring."

I felt like a little kid again.
We just walked around campus climbing, jumping, and dancing around. It was so much fun. I forgot how much fun it is when the weather is nice and you're in the best mood.
I've always been one to love playing outside, and climbing trees, running through the grass: the whole nine yards.

There's nothing like just being outside and appreciating everything that God made. The air was the perfect temperature, the stars were beautiful and the night was fantastic.

We just talked, laughed, walked around. It was fun. We laughed. We laughed so much, so hard, so loud. We didn't even care what people thought or if they stared. Granted, it was almost 10pm and almost no one was out, but the people who were? Oh, they stared like there was no tomorrow.

I love my friends. Seriously.
This summer will be fantastic, besides the fact that they won't be in Ohio with me.
This summer will suck.

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